LED Base/ Enclosure /Wrapper - Our Design

Artists/Makers and sometimes just normal folks wanted to light something up often buy these wooden bases in square or round that contain an LED light. Some of the lights are quite technical and some just turn on or off. If you don’t like to or are not good good with electronics and soldering then these are an easy and nice way to add light to any piece.

Being that our work is normally of a darker nature and these “pretty wooden bases” take away from our work, in our opinion of course, we decided to model some enclosures. You see when the companies wire these bases they solder the LED to the wire after it’s been fed through a small hole so there is no way to get the wire/LED out without snipping the wire or cutting the block.

We have just begun on our 3D Modeling and design journey so there likely could be improvement but this is one of our first “all on our own” designs and it works amazingly well with our other creations.

As stated we actually designed this in it’s entirety. If you find inspiration in it and want to do one of your own please do go for it! It’s an excellent exercise in simplicity and problem solving.

Our base is 3 pieces. The primary body and the top and bottom panels. We made the panels removable so we could use and store velum sheets used to diffuse the light if needed.

Hope you enjoy and feel free to email us if you have questions.


Heart of Darkness - WIP


Custom Pegasus Table Top Display